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Truck Car Park

About Us

Keep Trucking Transportation is the premier destination for owner-operators, housing full-service programs that guide professionals through all parts of the industry. Starting with twelve box trucks, the company now has semi-trucks they buy, sell, and dispatch. We have helped over fifty professionals reach business goals they felt were unattainable by guiding them on starting companies and expanding their fleets. The concrete model that has been formed is the result of learning all parts of the industry over the years, research, and even trial and error. The difference at Keep Trucking Transportation can be witnessed through the mission to continue growing so that other professionals can do the same. It is always a team effort, and the support is never-ending. Because growth means reaching back, the company works through the owner’s foundation, Madison's Moments, to feed people and pay it forward in and around Atlanta.

Keep Trucking Founder


Michael Nelms is a staunch and compassionate businessman who continues his mission to fully transform thousands of people's lives through business and community service. He is the founder of Keep Trucking Transportation, Legal Mediation Group LLC, and Madison's Moments. This organization is named after his daughter, feeding and assisting persons in Atlanta and surrounding areas. Through all of his endeavors, he positions others to create a better life to go and help someone else in the same manner. Michael has owned six thriving businesses during his years as an entrepreneur.



Everything he has accomplished has equipped him to be a better man who looks first to lend a hand to make a difference in this world. Michael feels the most connected with trucking because of the intricate work and dedication it requires each day. Through his perseverance, he has built a life where he can do what matters the most to him, focus more on his family. 





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